Winners 2023
Digital Transformation

Adam Marciniak
CEO VeloBank
Awarded for the transformation of VeloBank, but also for preparing it successfully for sale and placing it in the hands of a new investor.

Ewelina Włoch
Head at the Department of Digitization and New Technologies at the Rybnik City Hall
Awarded for the digitization processes carried out at the Rybnik City Hall and city companies.

Jan Maria Kowalski
Director of Artificial Intelligence Development Office at Pekao Bank
Awarded for implementing innovative solutions in automation, data analytics, AI and cloud services.

Magdalena Bigaj
President of the Foundation "Instytut Cyfrowego Obywatelstwa"
LinkedIn profile linkAwarded for her book "Wychowanie przy ekranie. Jak przygotować dziecko do życia w sieci?".

Martyna Wojciechowska
Journalist and President of the UNAWEZA Foundation
Awarded for the project "Young Heads. Opening about Mental Health" showing the state of mental health of Polish teenagers.

Zofia Kierner
CEO of Girls Future Ready
LinkedIn profile linkAwarded for her notable achievements as founder of the Girls Future Ready Foundation and founder of the 50one agency. Sophie Kierner strives to make the field of philanthropy and social impact more effective, systematic and accessible.
Innovations and Technologies

Julia i Marcin Markiewiczowie oraz Michał Wilkowski
Founders of Silent Eight
Awarded for the creation and development of Silent Eight. Silent Eight's AI platform for fighting financial crime investigates every suspicious transaction, beneficiary and customer in real time. The company's services are used by financial institutions around the world.

Piotr Dąbkowski i Mateusz Staniszewski
Founders of ElevenLabs
Awarded for the creation of ElevenLabs, a company that uses AI to generate a synthetic voice from text or clone a real voice.

Rafał Modrzewski
Awarded for creating a start-up to launch four new satellites in the fall of 2023, in partnership with SpaceX, increasing data collection capabilities and demonstrating the growing demand and interest in ICEYE services.

Bartek Pucek
CEO Foward Operators
Awarded for actively investing and supporting the angel investment ecosystem.

Maciej Gnutek
General Partner w Credo Ventures
Awarded the investment as the first institutional investor in Eleven Labs and for inviting other Angel Investors to collaborate on the investment.

Paulina Skrzypińska
Chief Innovation Officer w Banku BNP Paribas Polska
Awarded for activating a new class of financing in Poland in the form of special offers for innovative companies and entering this market also as an investor.

Ligia Kornowska
Medical Doctor. Managing Director of the Polish Hospital Federation, the largest hospi-tal organization in Poland. Leader of „AI Coalition in Healthcare” for Poland. Co-founder and Chair of the Board in Data Lake and Donate your Data Foundation.
Awarded for exceptional commitment that sets her apart from other leaders in medical innovation.

Michał Kosiński
Stanford University
Awarded for AI research and popularization of knowledge on the ethical use of AI-based generative tools.

Prof. ALK dr hab. Aleksandra Przegalińska i Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Jemielniak
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
The award-winners for the 2023 joint publication, titled. "Strategizing AI in Business and Education," which showcases a range of AI applications in business processes and strategies.